Dear Abbie - The Non-Advice Podcast
I would like this podcast to start a conversation with women of all ages, convictions and styles of life – wherever situated on the gamut of experience. In principle, there is no bar to men joining in, since how one defines women has a lot to do with what it means to be a man. But it is women I invite to pull up a chair at this virtual café table and put their questions and views into the conversation. Abigail L. Rosenthal is Professor Emerita of Philosophy, Brooklyn College of The City University of New York. She is the author of A Good Look at Evil, a Pulitzer Prize nominee, now appearing in an expanded second edition and as audiobooks. Dr. Rosenthal writes a weekly column for “Dear Abbie: The Non-Advice Column,” (www.dearabbie-nonadvice.com) where she explores the situation of women. She thinks women’s lives are highly interesting. She’s the editor of The Consolations of Philosophy: Hobbes’s Secret; Spinoza’s Way by her father, Henry M. Rosenthal. She’s written numerous articles that can be accessed at Academia.edu .
Podcasting since 2021 • 251 episodes
Dear Abbie - The Non-Advice Podcast
Latest Episodes
Jewish Time
Lately, I’ve had a growing sense of living my life on something I call “Jewish Time.” Have I anything concrete in view?Read this episode on my blog ...
Season 1
Episode 227
The Big City and Me
It is the town where my mother captured the Nazi spy ring being run out of the basement of the walkup apartment on 86th and Park where our family lived during the War years. My mother wondered why our superintendent did not allow suitcase...
Season 1
Episode 226
I Was Politically Correct for 15 Minutes
It happened like this. I was remembering a case I know of, where a young woman, who had her whole life before her, was being forced into the sealed back of a truck. Uniformed Nazis were turning a hose filled with carbon monoxide int...
Season 1
Episode 225
Feminism without Contradictions
Even to suggest that feminism’s theoretical foundations need reworking might seem a tad risky. Well, gee, that’s tough. As I sometimes said when I taught Philosophic Foundations of Feminism: “If I wanna be pushed around, I don’t need other femi...
Season 1
Episode 224